Abrar Nagar, Kalyanpur, Lucknow - U.P.
9005518966, 6306706550

Rules and Regulations


1. Registration forms for the admission are issued on the dates announced by the school every year in the month of January.
2. Admission is offered on the basis of performance in the admission tests/interview and in the light of criteria laid down by the school.
  • Nursery : Interview and Oral test.
  • LKG : Basic written test in English & Maths.
  • Class U.K.G to V : Test in English, Maths & Hindi.
  • Class VI to VIII : Test in English, Maths & Science.
3. The minimum age as on 31st March in the year of admission for different Classes is as follows.
  • Nursery : 2½ to 3½ years.
  • LKG : 3½ to 4½ years.
  • U.K.G : 4½ to 5½ years.
  • Class - I : 5½ to 6½ years.
4. A student coming from another recognised school must submit the school leaving certificate.
5. A student’s name and date of birth shall be entered in the school register on the basis of entries in the school leaving certificate or birth certificate.


1. The amount of fee once deposited is not refundable in any circumstances.
2. Fee is charged for full academic year irrespective of the date of admission as per the schedule given in the fee-card.
3. Fee can be deposited at the School fee counter from 1st to 10th day of the month in which it is due.
4. Late fee will be charged at the rate of Re. 1/- for everyday of default after the last date.
5. Students whose fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from appearing in the Tests/examination.


1. Students will observe complete silence while doing practicals in the laboratory.
2. Students must follow the instructions given by the teacher and the laboratory assistant.
3. Students will be responsible for any breakage or loss of the apparatus taken for the experiment.
4. Collective fine will be imposed on all students of a batch/class in case anything is missing from the lab.
5. Students will bring to the lab proper record books and observation note books.
6. Students will have to record all the observations immediately after the experiment is performed.
7. Students must handle the equipments and chemicals of the laboratory very carefully. Carelessness in this regard may cause harm/damage to them or the apparatus.


The school has a well stocked library. Apart from a collection of good informative books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals are the regular feature of library. The students are expected to follow these library rules:-

1. Silence should be observed strictly in the library.
2. Students should not bring any book of their own into the library except note-books.
3. Students are not allowed to keep any book borrowed from the library longer than a week without permission, otherwise they are liable to be fined @ Re. 1 per day per book.
4. Students can get the book re-issued for a further period if that book is not in demand.
5. All books must be returned before the beginning of each examination.
6. If a book is lost or damaged, the student will have to make good the loss/damage.


1. Regular attendance is a pre-requisite for smooth and stress free learning process.
2. 75% attendance is compulsory for a child to be eligible for appearing in the annual examination.
3. A prior written application must be submitted well in advance for a leave.


1. The name of a student will automatically be removed from the school rolls if full fee along with the late fee are not paid continuously for a period of 3 months. In such cases re-admission may be granted by charging re-admission fee but only when the school authorities are convinced of non-recurrence of default in future.
2. If a student remains absent for 10 consecutive days without leave, his/her name will be struck off the rolls.
3. Any student who is absent without leave for 3 consecutive days in the beginning of the session will be treated as not on rolls.


1. Parents should notify the school within 15 days of the commencement of final exams for withdrawal of a student from the school.
2. Every application for school leaving certificate shall be made in writing by the parents or guardian on a prescribed form.
3. For withdrawal in the Mid-Session one month prior notice is required.
4. Transfer Certificates will not be issued unless all dues are cleared.
5. Transfer Certificate will be issued on payment of a specified fee.
6. Caution money if any will always be refunded in the month of July.


1. For classes Nursery to VIII, the academic session is divided into 2 terms :-
I Term April-September II Term- October-March.
2. Students of Nursery to class V are awarded grades in their report cards. Students of class VI to VIII are awarded marks in their report cards.
3. Students with less than 75% attendance may not be allowed to appear in the annual exams.
4. A student is declared pass if he/she secures overall 45% or more marks by calculating the weightage of all the tests and examinations and 40% in every subject.
5. All cases of doubt regarding promotion are left entirely to the discretion of the Principal. Parents must not come for reconsideration once the decision has been taken.
6. When a student is not able to attend an exam or a test on medical grounds, parents/guardians are required to give prior information supported by a medical certificate of a registered practitioner. In such cases there is no provision to prepone or postpone the scheduled exam/test. Promotion depends on the performance of the student during the entire academic session.
7. Absence from a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
8. Reports will be withheld for non payment of school dues.
9. The school does not undertake to retain answer scripts, two months after distributing the report cards.
10. If a student fails second time in the same class his/her name is struck off the rolls.